As I drive past the construction on the side of the road, it no longer boggles my mind that the "construction" workers are wearing flip flops, t-shirts and shorts as they jack-hammer the road. What???? Oh, I forgot to mention that this construction is currently being done on one of the main roads as a way to prevent flooding during rainy season .... hello? it is rainy season!
This blog is a way for us to share our experiences and adventures with our friends and family while living in Jakarta.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Siem Reap, Cambodia
Jared and I once again ventured out on our own to the magnificent Siem Reap. For those out there not quite sure as to why this is one of the most amazing places in the world, this is the home of Angkor Wat - one of the 7 Wonders of the World. Photos and videos just don't give this place justice. How can you explain miles of countless temples, each having their own uniqueness and beauty. We had the privilege of spending 3 full days exploring the temples, the Cambodian countryside and the city itself. What incredible people live here. After so many years of war, tragedy and a continuous problem of exploding landmines, you see the devastation with the large amount of amputees living in the country. Despite all, their friendly faces greeted us at every restaurant, shop and tuk-tuk ride. Every meal we ate was delicious and we sure enjoyed those $2 pitchers of beer! A few firsts - ATVing through Cambodian countryside after a night of heavy rainfall (a bit messy but so much fun!), consuming frog legs (taste like chicken), and taking a tuk-tuk as our airport transfer. Thanks to our amazing hotel staff for the best service we have ever had. This is an experience we will cherish forever.
Little Ones
Here's a little clip of Maya with her friends at the playground. This was so cute, she wanted to be the one to push the girls on the swing and nothing made her happier than them wanting to go "Higher!"
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Land of the Kangaroo
We did it, we made it, we still can't believe we were in Australia! I guess it was always one of those places we never thought we'd make it to. Although we were only able to visit Western Australia, it was still an unforgetable experience.
The trip began by attempting to drive our rental car from the Perth airport to Fremantle (only 20km away), on the LEFT side of the road. I can't even count the number of times Jared had the windshield wipers on when he was trying to signal. After practically moving in to the wrong house (we had a bit of a scare as this place was a real dive!), we finally found 32 Tuckfield and were settled in for the week. Oh what a joy being able to BBQ once again! Our week began with a few days in "Freo", as the locals call it, exploring the original architecture of the town, the harbour, the yummy fish and chips hotspots, and ofcourse the local playgrounds. We couldn't resist but to spend the day at a Wildlife Park where we all got to pet a koala, chase the kangaroos and discover a number of new animals we've never seen before. It was then time to get back in the car and drive down the coast to Margaret River (popular wine region in West Aust). After the GPS took us on an extended tour (1.5hrs longer than expected, although very scenic), we finally stopped along the ocean in a small town known for it's 2km long jetty that literally jets into the middle of the ocean. We saw a few humpback whales splashing around in the distance from a 100-year-old lighthouse, sampled some wine at one of the local wineries and just enjoyed the spectacular views from incredible view points along the ocean. A day in Perth wondering around King's Park, and another day bumming around Freo enjoying some delicious homemade curry and meat pies and ofcourse the local Little Creatures beer, and we were done. Thanks again to our wonderul friends for lending us their home. G'day mates!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Why did we wait a whole year to see you? What a place! Everything you hear about Singapore is sooo true; the extreme cleanliness, the stunning skyline, the diversity of the people (including the amazing food), the high end shopping, and the incredible order and strategic planning that goes into every aspect of this city ... we were blown away.
We had a very busy 3 days in Singapore this past weekend. Tried to see as much as we could towing a 2 1/2 year old around in 35C weather. "I want to go to the hotel" - that was pretty much Maya's favorite part of the weekend ... with the exception of the water park at the Zoo (oh yah, and the ice cream stops). Loved the Marina Bay Sands Hotel-well, from the outside anyway. What amazing architecture to create a ship on top of 3 buildings, it really is spectacular to look at. We thoroughly took advantage of the sidewalks, fresh air and clean water that we've been craving for so long. Oh and did I mention they have Subway-we ate it twice! What an advantage to be a 1 1/2hr flight away from this place. Scratch another one off the list ... although once is never really enough.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Girls Weekend!
What a great idea! A weekend away from the kids, husbands and the hustle and bustle of Jakarta. Sheuwen, Gina and I escaped the big Durian early Thursday morning to Ubud, Bali. We spent the first day shopping at the local market (what a surprise), and just walking. I know that may sound strange to most, but living in Jakarta we really don't get many opportunities to just walk outside. Day one ended on a high with our incredible dinner at Mozaic. I tried describing the food to the girls before we arrived, but words just don't do justice to how you feel when you bite into something that sends shivers down your spine and makes your mouth want to explode with flavour. I know, I know, it sounds very food critic of me, but it really is true. The following day we spent the morning hours touring through the local fruit and veggie market, some stunning rice paddy fields nearby and then on to our cooking class. After chopping and mixing, we were finally treated to a wonderful Indonesian lunch. The evening began with a massage and facial, followed by another great meal. Last day in Ubud we watched as the Balinese people paraded through the streets in their traditional wear as they celebrated their bi annual holiday called Kunningan. We spent the rest of the day exploring the town, finding some treasures (amazing gelato place!!!) before heading back to the airport. Thanks for a great weekend girls!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Happy Canada Day!!!
A Brading family first; celebrating Canada Day away from Canada. Although a nice time, not nearly the same as being home and feeling the patriatism all around you. We certainly tried (see photo!). The long weekend began with a fancy shmancy soiree at the Four Seasons Hotel rubbing elbows with ambassadors and company heads - very typical right? We enjoyed some Canadian grub, imported wine and beer. Sunday afternoon, a few of us girls at the apartment organized a BBQ to celebrate Canada Day and 4th of July. It ended up a great success with over 25 people and kids running around.
Thanks to those who promised to have a pint or caesar for us this past weekend, we cheers you right back!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Phuket, Thailand
you want? We were so excited about revisiting Thailand after
4 years, especially a new part of the country. Needless to say, we
were not disappointed. Our holiday with Granma was everything we hoped for. Maya fell in love with the ocean the very first day and couldn't wait each morning to jump in the waves and build sandcastle after
balcony with a book and a beer, after indulging in one delicious meal after another. We spent most afternoons by the pool or out in the "town" experimenting with the local street food. Fresh mango and rambutan peeled and cut into bite size pieces followed by tantalizing banana chocolate pancakes. We did venture out one day to visit a local temple and HUGE Big Buddha which reminded us of the incredible structures in this country. What a wonderful trip, especially because we got to share it with a wonderful Granma.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Jogyakarta - Indonesia
Shortly after Lynn arrived, we (Jared, Lynn and I) took off on a quick 3-day trip to Jogyakarta which is located in Central Java. The city is known for it's culture, arts, shopping :), the surrounding temples and Mt Merapi. Needless to say, it was a VERY busy 3 days from sunrise to sunset. We spent the 1st day touring around the city, taking in a palace, visiting an underground mosque, and dipping into the water castle. All while being transported by horse and buggy. Day 2 brought us to Prambanan Temple - one of the largest Hindu temples in the world. The temple was literally lost and buried for over 1 thousand years before being found in the late 1800s. Day 3 began very early - 4:30am early. I didn't even know such a time existed. We climbed the hill, flashlights in hand, to Borabudur temple. This is one of the largest Buddhist temples in the world. The sunrise over Borabudur was quite magical and by 9am, we were done! We took advantage of the extra time before our flight to visit Mt Merapi. Unfortunately we could only get within 4 kms of the actual crater but the destruction throughout the area was just devastating. The volcano had last erupted in October 2010.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Little Cleopatra
Kinderland Preschool had their end of the year concert last week. I couldn't resist, just had to add one Post so you can all see how cute Maya and her little classmates were. Their class theme was Ancient Egypt. They did such a great job dancing up on stage in front of over 100 parents and visitors with their Cleopatra and Pharaoh costumes. Can't wait to see next year's performance!
Lombok .... again!
I know, I know, we are rottenly spoiled with all these wonderful holidays we are able to take. After a few weeks in the Jakarta traffic, anyone who can escape the madness, even for a few days, does. This little 3-day trip was the first without Maya. Ahhhhh! Although we love our child more than life, it sure was wonderful to lay on the beach all day reading our books. In the evenings we ate dinner late (imagine), while actually being able to finish full sentences. What a beautiful island and our villa resort was out of this world. They even served us breakfast in bed. Although short, Jared and I really felt rejuvenated and also really missing our baby (who didn't really seem to miss us very much). We hope to return to Lombok in a few months for another weekend of r&r.
We now patiently await Lynn's return to Jakarta this Friday. Your bed is already Granma!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
You Know you've been in Indonesia too long when ...
(Although not my list, all points apply)
1. The footprints on the toilet seat are your own.
2. You no longer wait in line, but immediately go to the head of the queue.
3. You are accustomed to your underwear, socks, sheets and towels being ironed.
4. You find it saves time to stand and retrieve your cabin luggage while the plane is still on final approach.
5. You think the Avanza and Kijang are stylish and well built cars.
6. You answer the telephone with "hello" more than 2 times.
7. You are quite content to repeat your order 6 times at a restaurant that only has 4 items on the menu.
8. You're not surprised when 3 men with a ladder show up to change your light bulb
9. You wear the same pair of underwear everyday because your maid does the laundry daily.
10. You are no longer startled when you see a 12-year old driving a motorbike while smoking.
1. The footprints on the toilet seat are your own.
2. You no longer wait in line, but immediately go to the head of the queue.
3. You are accustomed to your underwear, socks, sheets and towels being ironed.
4. You find it saves time to stand and retrieve your cabin luggage while the plane is still on final approach.
5. You think the Avanza and Kijang are stylish and well built cars.
6. You answer the telephone with "hello" more than 2 times.
7. You are quite content to repeat your order 6 times at a restaurant that only has 4 items on the menu.
8. You're not surprised when 3 men with a ladder show up to change your light bulb
9. You wear the same pair of underwear everyday because your maid does the laundry daily.
10. You are no longer startled when you see a 12-year old driving a motorbike while smoking.
Tea Plantation
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
We've just returned from a relaxing holiday in Lombok, an island near Bali however a lot more quiet and pristine. We decided to take our wonderful nanny along this time to enjoy the evenings. Our resort room was perfect for our needs - 2 bedrooms, living/dining room and kitchenette, all for just over $100 CAD. Josh and Jen met up with us on day 2 with their amazing Thailand and Bali stories. We spent the next 2 days just hanging out, catching up, and watching Maya in the pool. The kid cannot get enough of hopping, swimming, splashing and anything else you can do in a kiddie pool. She is not so keen however on the ocean, a little too messy, loud and scary. The following day we ventured out on the "Dolphin" to the Gili islands. The highlight of our trip was snorkeling off the coast of Gili Air. We saw tons of beautiful, colorful fish, huge lobsters and a sea turtle! We ate like kings, enjoyed the sunshine and enjoyed each other's company ... it doesn't get better than that! Until next time Lombok (which may be sooner than later).
Friday, April 1, 2011
Things that make you go hmm ...
How is it possible that you show up at a Japanese restaurant and they are out of sushi but yet serve you cooked fish? Why is it when you ask for no sugar in your drink, it comes instead with a sugary syrup? When have you ever gone to a bank that rejected to buy your American bill because it has a fold in it? What would you do if people constantly tried to touch your child and take pictures of her? Who would you complain to when no one understands what you're saying? Where does one start to help the countless mouths begging for food and money? These are some of the frustrating elements about living in Indonesia. Some we have come to grin and bear, trying to stay composed in times of frustration. Yet others, the ones that really matter, are so difficult to see and understand. The key to living happily here, is to acknowledge to ourselves each and every day how extremely lucky and blessed we are to have all that we have. If there is one thing I will take away from this experience, it is that.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Peter Visits Indonesia
Our 2nd visitor has just come and gone. It was a great few weeks spending more time with my brother than I have ever done before. Maya certainly loved spending time with her "Wojo Peter", especially playing her favorite game of "What's your name?". Peter and I were able to get away for a few days for a wonderful trip around Bali. A few days chilling at the beach was followed by an extremely rocky boat trip to Nusa Penida Island. Despite having amazing snorkeling, unfortunately did not impress us due to the rough waters to and from the island. We took a breathtaking bike tour through the rice paddies and villages of Ubud and were extremely lucky to come across the early celebrations of the Balinese holiday Nyepi. After some shopping, we drove to the second largest volcano on the island, Mount Batur. The drive to and from the volcano allowed us to visit a number of Balinese temples, coffee plantations, and local markets throughout central Bali.
The morning after arriving back in Jakarta, we drove to the Puncak (embassy owned cottage approx. 1hr outside the city), where the boys got to enjoy another game of golf. A relaxing weekend by the pool led us back to the city for more dinners out, movies and of course massages.
Thanks for the visit Peter and hopefully you will look back fondly at the new experiences and memories made.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Maya turns 2!
I'm sure every parent feels this way, but I cannot believe that the little baby I rocked to sleep not long ago is now a little girl. Two years have just flown by and when I look at Maya`s baby photos and videos, I have a hard time remembering her being so small.
Maya had a wonderful 2nd birthday party last Sunday. We ended up with a full house, 14 adults and 8 kids altogether. She especially enjoyed the Dora balloons, Dora cake, Dora decorations ... yes, the theme was Dora. A huge highlight of the party was an Australian friend of ours who once has a guitar in hand, calls himself Aussie Bob, serenaded the kids with fun songs which they all sang and danced to. A belly full of pizza and cake, Maya crashed afterwards and didn`t wake up until 7:30 the next morning! Birthday was a success, although many people were dearly missed. Now ... on the potty training!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Long Weekend in KL
With this past Thursday being Chinese New Year and Sunday being Jared's birthday, we decided it was a great idea to get away from Jakarta for a few days.
Kuala Lumpur was the perfect destination for what we needed and wanted to do. No traffic, sidewalks to push the stroller down, parks, good food and of course culture.
We began our holiday with a visit to Chinatown. We were expecting bustling parades veering through the streets with many onlookers on the sidelines. Instead we were led through crowded streets with vendors selling knock-off purses, watches and the worst replica of Tiffany bracelets I have ever seen. Not what we expected, but nonetheless, an experience.
The following day was spent at a beautiful butterfly park which was like a scene out of the Enchanted Garden. Hundreds of butterfly species whisked around, sometimes even landing on us, all the while the sound of water fountains trickled in the background. Following the butterfly park, we visited the largest outdoor bird aviary in the world. A bit louder, but still amazing to see that many birds, most of which were freely flying around your head! Jared especially fell in love with a little parakeet that took a liking to his forehead sweat.
One of the highlights of KL, was a short 15km drive outside the city to a Hindu shrine called Batu Caves. After climbing the 272 steps to the top (yes, Maya too, although she had some help), we entered these breathtaking limestone caves where Hindi worshipers have been coming to pray for over 100 years.
Last but certainly not least, we got up close and personal with the Petronas towers which are still the tallest twin towers in the world. Maya however had more fun running around the water fountains and away from Daddy.
All in all, a great 4 days away in a great city.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Maya's First School Trip
Last week, Maya's class went on their first field trip. The first stop was at a local bakery where they had to select and then pay for some bread. It was the cutest thing seeing all these little 2 year olds running around this little store with boxes of buns.
The next stop was a travelling post office. The kids wrote letters to their moms and dads and learned all about the postman and how letters get delivered. The above picture is Maya handing her letter to the postman. In true Indonesian fashion, we have yet to receive our letter!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
A Visit to Kiddy Cuts
Last weekend we took Maya for her first professional bang trim at Jakarta's famous Kiddy Cuts. She sat in that chair for 15 minutes without even realizing she was getting her hair cut. The staff made sure to entertain her with bubbles, toys and cartoons while she sat in her little race car listening to kiddie tunes in the background. Best $7 we spent! She was treated to some frozen yogurt after her brave performance.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Christmas in Canada
What a wonderful holiday! Well, not sure if I would call it a "holiday", more of a really busy trip. Nonetheless, it was great. Three weeks with family and friends, eating, drinking, and catching up on time. What more can you ask for? Christmas was magical as for the first time, we experienced it through a little person's eyes. Three days of gift opening later, she was exhausted. Thankfully Maya had a better reaction with invisible Santa than the real one at the mall.
30 hours later, we arrived back in our apartment in hot and congested Jakarta. No two places could be different, and yet each having their own beauty. It is nice to get back to what is now our normal life and we do so with great memories we made with the people we love.
30 hours later, we arrived back in our apartment in hot and congested Jakarta. No two places could be different, and yet each having their own beauty. It is nice to get back to what is now our normal life and we do so with great memories we made with the people we love.
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